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Transformation in manufacturing to Green Energy

Current Electrical Services

The increase in global manufacturing over the past few decades has placed a significant strain on the world’s energy resources. To address this issue, many companies are looking for ways to incorporate more green energy into their manufacturing processes. Even though green energy is becoming more prevalent, its use in manufacturing is still relatively limited. Many companies are hesitant to make the switch due to the perceived cost and complexity involved. There are a couple of options that you can speak with your trusted contractors about that could help you position your facility as leading green energy facility.

1) Solar Power: Solar power is one of the most popular forms of green energy, and it is also one of the most viable for manufacturing applications. Solar panels can be used to power factories, and the heat generated by the sun can be used to power industrial processes. The main advantage of solar power is that it is a renewable resource that can be easily integrated into manufacturing processes. Solar power is also relatively low-maintenance, and the initial investment required to set up a solar power system is often offset by the savings generated over time.

2) Installing Smart Devices: Devices connect to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, maintaining energy-efficient indoor temperatures. They gather real-time weather predictions through a Wi-Fi connection, adjusting the thermostat to decrease emissions. Additionally, these devices use motion detection sensors, shutting the system off when a building is vacant.

3) Energy Audit: When was the last time you conducted an energy audit? Companies now conduct audits specific to the standards of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED). They assess the efficiency of devices, systems, and more, evaluating the entire facility’s emissions and eco-friendliness.

1) Increase Automation: Engineers are working on designing technology to limit electrical use, shrinking a facility’s carbon footprint. The use of robots has also increased energy efficiency of manufacturing processes if integrated correctly.

We still encounter opposition to making strides towards greener facilities due to perceived increase cost of renewable energy. However, alternative energy has become much more cost competitive. Michelle Comerford, leader of the industrial and supply chain practice at site selection firm Biggins Lacy Shapiro & Co. in Cleveland, says buying renewable energy cost 50% or more as recently as five years ago, but that that figure is now in the single digits in the regulated market. In some higher-cost parts of the country, she adds, available incentives or credits make renewable power a cost-saver versus traditional sources.

These steps are not easy, and it is hard to get started without a trusted resource to turn to. Current Electrical can be that partner that can help you take steps to becoming a greener organization. We look forward to taking a Sustainable journey with your facility.

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